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How smart are you? Try it!
Welcome to Tzin Tzun Tzan, the cemetery of the sugar skulls.
Based on the prehispanic board game "Comesolo" (a combination of checkers with solitaire), it offers different variables and new ways to compete which makes this game cool, attractive, and overall addictive. Its environment is based on the Mexican holiday "Día de muertos” (Day of the Dead).
The objective is that the player has a board with skulls in vertical and horizontal form with one or many empty tile at the beginning of the game, which will change every new level.
Too simple? Try to clean the board game to get the highest score!
How to Play
In order to "eliminate" a skull the player must jump over an adjacent skull onto an empty tile, whether it's horizontal or vertical. The player will win when there is one skull left standing, and you will advance onto the next level.
There are 12 levels of difficulty (4 on Lite Version).
There is also a TOP 10 chart with the highest scores, comparing players from all over the world.
There’s one night each year when the holy souls of the underworld are allowed to visit the land of the living. Guided by the candles flickering light over your grave, you reach the offerings made by your relatives in loving memory. Gifts of food and candy, old delights long gone… and boy, you’re starving! So what’re you waiting for? Pick up a piece and make it jump to the next empty space to eat.
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​© Copyright 2012. Taos Games | Screenshots by: Andres Canedo